Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (261): Mask
Alemania título: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (261): Therapie
Título original: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (261): Mask
Título alternativas:
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Therapie | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit – Therapie
Krimiserie – Estados Unidos de América
Año de producción: 2010
Duración: 50 minutos
Dirección: Donna Deitch
Guionista: Dick Wolf, Speed Weed
Fotografía: Tom Weston
Música: Mike Post
Debbie Shields comes home to find her partner Ann Jackson being raped by a man wearing a haunting mask. Shields contacts Ann’s father to notify him of her critical condition. As detectives Benson and Stabler interrogate Ann’s father, Captain Jackson, his sordid past is revealed filled with sexual and alcohol addiction. Jackson’s new role as a sex therapist is hindering the detectives from getting the information they need to solve the case and if Jackson won’t comply, the detectives are going to have to get creative.
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